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Architecture In Developing Countries

Education & Experience



1962-1969  -  Architectural Association School of Architecture, Diploma in Architecture (equivalent to MA)




Expertise & Experience

Expertise in the following fields:


  • Design/construction of primary, secondary and tertiary educational facilities, health centres and hospitals in developing countries.


  • Use of low-cost and appropriate materials and community inputs in construction programmes in developing countries.


  • Implementation and management of construction projects.


  • Project identification, preparation, monitoring and evaluation.



Work experience in the following areas:


  • Private practice: wide range of experience in architectural practices in UK and Africa in the design and supervision of housing, offices and factory buildings, primary and secondary schools, university buildings, teacher training and agricultural training colleges, hospitals and health centres, many in remote, rural locations.


  • Consultant architect: research into school design and construction; use of community participation; preparation of primary school construction, renovation and maintenance handbooks; design of a variety of buildings for public and private agencies; advice to international agencies on the design and implementation of construction programmes for education & health.


  • Project management: management of projects in Africa and the Pacific that constructed primary schools, teacher training college extensions, rural health centres and hospital extensions, some using community participation in their implementation.



Work experience in the following countries:


Angola, Eritrea, the Gambia, Republic of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, St Helena, Swaziland, Zambia; Yemen; East Timor, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Vietnam; Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Tonga, Vanuatu; Montserrat; UK.



Work experience for the following organisations:


World Bank; Asian Development Bank; African Development Bank; DFID; DFAT; EU; UNDP; UNCDF; UNICEF; JBIC; National Governments in Zambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Yemen and Tonga.






2010 - Guidance Note: Delivering Cost Effective and Sustainable School Infrastructure (contributor): DFID


2000 - Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Facilities for Early Childhood Care and Development: World Bank


1995 - Construction of Rural Health Facilities: Temotu & Makira Ulawa Provinces, Solomon Islands: DFID


1992 - Primary School Construction in Sierra Leone: A Case Study: UNDP


1989 - Primary School Construction in Sierra Leone: The Role of Self-Help: World Bank

Projects by Country

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